573875 - Classic Mega Man Style Boss Rush Ver-1 - Created by Jw1nner
Recorded times for : 573875 - Classic Mega Man Style Boss Rush Ver-1
Runner | Runner PB | Total play time | Total deaths | Minimum clear deaths |
Description of that level
This is my best attempt at making a pre-MM7 style Boss Rush. I might make more of them. Each of these will be more like a Wily Stage than a full boss rush, however. Got some Mega Man 4 vibes going on here... Speaking of, I just started playing Mega Man 5 with someone I know, via Mega Man Legacy Collection, and it... Overuses enemies. Those are what usually got us... After we beat Stone Man though, (and remembered we had autofire and rewind) we started going to town. We've already beaten the first stage of Proto Man's Castle! We actually had to find which boss to start with. We tried Gravity Man first, and the boss got us. Star Man's Spike roof and Space Mets were harsh, and other levels usually had too many enemies, as prior mentioned. In the end, it's quite fun.
What the- the level's labeled Hard-77% as of November 26th, the day of uploading! Huh? I beat it with little effort, which means it should be labeled Easy or something... Maybe it was harder due to the weaknesses not being clear...
Flame Man's weak to Ice Slasher, of course.
Ice Man's weak to Spark Shock, which makes sense.
Sheep Man's weak to Triple Blade. If Sheep Man were in a Mega Man Gameboy game without Strike Man, that'd probably be his weakness.
Yamato Man's weak to Power Stone. Akin to Cut Man's weakness to the rocks...
Concrete Man's weak to Napalm Bomb. Also a lot like Mega Man 1. Actually, that's the case for all of this so far...
Napalm Man's weak to Wind Storm- A bit of a callback to Mega Man 2.
Wind Man's weak to Leaf Shield. Another MM2 Callback.
Wood Man, of course, is weak to Solar Blaze. If Mega Man 1 had two extra robot masters besides Time Man and Oil Man, (Or Bond Man, or Bubble Man) Wind and Nature would be good types of bosses to add.
The Wily Machine's weak to Spark Shock, and not by much- It has no main weakness. Just the sub=weakness.
What the- the level's labeled Hard-77% as of November 26th, the day of uploading! Huh? I beat it with little effort, which means it should be labeled Easy or something... Maybe it was harder due to the weaknesses not being clear...
Flame Man's weak to Ice Slasher, of course.
Ice Man's weak to Spark Shock, which makes sense.
Sheep Man's weak to Triple Blade. If Sheep Man were in a Mega Man Gameboy game without Strike Man, that'd probably be his weakness.
Yamato Man's weak to Power Stone. Akin to Cut Man's weakness to the rocks...
Concrete Man's weak to Napalm Bomb. Also a lot like Mega Man 1. Actually, that's the case for all of this so far...
Napalm Man's weak to Wind Storm- A bit of a callback to Mega Man 2.
Wind Man's weak to Leaf Shield. Another MM2 Callback.
Wood Man, of course, is weak to Solar Blaze. If Mega Man 1 had two extra robot masters besides Time Man and Oil Man, (Or Bond Man, or Bubble Man) Wind and Nature would be good types of bosses to add.
The Wily Machine's weak to Spark Shock, and not by much- It has no main weakness. Just the sub=weakness.
Posted by : jw1nner -
And the next day, it's still 68% Hard... And only one person (out of 11 players) gave in-game feedback, and it was a dislike.
And the next day, it's still 68% Hard... And only one person (out of 11 players) gave in-game feedback, and it was a dislike.
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Last Levels uploaded by : Jw1nner
Level Id | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
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22 | Hard72% | Short14 |
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13 | Easy22% | Long55 |
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120 | Very Easy0% | Short13 |
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16 | Very Easy10% | Very Short1 |
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55 | Normal38% | Classic28 |
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23 | Very Easy0% | Very Short9 |
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39 | Easy13% | Short13 |